Oct 31, 2022
We hear about it all the time: how do we, as creative entrepreneurs, maintain a healthy work / life balance? We want to dedicate as much time as we can to making our business successful, but how much of our personal life should we sacrifice to achieve that result? On this episode of the podcast, Cheryl’s sharing her experience building her business from the ground up while also having a professional career and a growing family, and how realizing our life is more about seasons than work and play helped her be able to find a good balance between both.
Key Takeaways:
- Not every season of our personal and professional life is going to be the same
- As such, balancing those two aspects of our life requires thought and planning to be successful
- Communication with our family and our work associates is key to finding that balance
- Sacrificing one side for the other is tipping things too far! We’re more than our work, but our work is important to us as well
“I believe that we all have seasons in our lives and in our business. A season might last a month, or it might last a quarter, or it might last six months. It could even last a year. It could be any span of time. However, we all have the seasons that bring different things into our lives.” – Cheryl
“I think to run a successful business, you need to be showing up for your people. However, we can't always be on. And there's no sense in beating ourselves up about times in our lives where we just can't show up in that way.” – Cheryl
“There are only so many things we can do in a day, even if we are the most organized person, even if we have the most perfect systems in place. We can't do everything because we are not superhuman, and it’s okay to recognize that because it means not having a breakdown, not burning out, or not finding yourself in crisis because you're trying to do too many things. To me, having it all means being able to maintain my business while still being able to enjoy the other aspects of my life without letting the stress become overwhelming.” - Cheryl
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