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Welcome to the Indie Made Business Podcast! I’m Cheryl Ham, and after growing my handmade businesses to 7 figures, I’m sharing the strategies that helped me turn my passion into a full-time income. If you’re making the products you sell, you need to do things differently—tune in for actionable tips and proven strategies to help you launch, scale, and thrive as a creative entrepreneur.

Feb 21, 2022

Episode 10 ALREADY? Say what?! We've covered a ton of awesome content in the first 10 episodes, so we decided to dive deeper on some of the bigger concepts so far. Make sure to find us on social media and let us know what YOU want to hear more of on the podcast!


Don’t forget to share YOUR Needle Mover with us...

Feb 7, 2022

Are you so busy working IN your business that there’s no time left to work ON your business? 


We’ve all said it, “There aren’t enough hours in the day.” 


It really does feel that way when you’re wearing all the hats in your creative business. And it can be downright impossible to embrace the visionary...