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Welcome to the Indie Made Business Podcast! I’m Cheryl Ham, and after growing my handmade businesses to 7 figures, I’m sharing the strategies that helped me turn my passion into a full-time income. If you’re making the products you sell, you need to do things differently—tune in for actionable tips and proven strategies to help you launch, scale, and thrive as a creative entrepreneur.

Nov 29, 2021

Are you worried that the market you're trying to break into is oversaturated and there’s no room for you to stand out? Or maybe you think that getting ahead means you need to outshine the competition?

If you’ve ever struggled with how to get noticed and feel like you’re attempts to be seen are falling on deaf...

Nov 15, 2021

Do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? If so, you're not alone.  


As business owners, we set big, lofty goals for ourselves but then struggle with being productive and accomplishing everything we need to get done. 


Life gets busy and there’s a lot of background noise we need to tune out if...

Nov 15, 2021

Are you addicted to trying every app, software, and gadget out there - hoping to find that perfect solution to your productivity woes? If that sounds like you, then we’ve got you covered in today's episode. 


We may have gotten a teeny bit carried away, spilling the beans on all our favorite things....

Nov 15, 2021

Welcome to our very first episode of the Makers Gonna Sell podcast! In this episode, we're talking about why you don't need confidence to start a business and how we can still do big, scary things, even when we're terrified.


We all know that starting a business is hard. But what if you're not confident enough to...