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Welcome to the Indie Made Business Podcast! I’m Cheryl Ham, and after growing my handmade businesses to 7 figures, I’m sharing the strategies that helped me turn my passion into a full-time income. If you’re making the products you sell, you need to do things differently—tune in for actionable tips and proven strategies to help you launch, scale, and thrive as a creative entrepreneur.

Sep 19, 2022

Are you finding that you’re in a rut with your business? That you feel like you’re almost to that next level, but something is holding you back? This is a feeling that is way too common for first time entrepreneurs. We’ve all felt it, that feeling that something has got to give, and you just need a win to get you to that next level. That’s what today’s podcast is all about: three things that can help you get into the right mindset to get you through that rut and help you have a business breakthrough.


  1. Let go of the Labels we give ourselves – When you’re first starting out, you might have some big dreams but not much in the way of practical knowledge. You have the creativity and the products, but you’re not a salesperson or a marketer. You’re a business owner, not a podcaster. Y’all, you can do whatever you put your mind to. You’re so much more capable than you give yourself credit for, and you won’t be able to see what kind of potential you have if you limit yourself with labels.
  2. Operating in Fear – It might seem backwards but being worried about what success might look like can be petrifying. The idea of “what if” can be a scary thing when you’re doing things for the first time. We all have a fear of failing, but we can also have a fear of not being able to handle things if we’re actually successful. This is an irrational feeling, no matter how real it feels, and knowing you’re falling for it is the first step to pushing back on those fears.
  3. Let go of Distractions! – This one is the easiest one to fall for. Finding any reason to not do the things we need to do, letting the small things balloon out of control, distractions can stop us dead in our tracks. Identifying distractions and avoiding being caught in their trap can help us keep that momentum that will make us successful.




“When you start noticing the labels that you’re putting on yourself becoming limits or obstacles, press forward into them because they are not going to move unless you push back.” – Nicky


“When we step into those things that scare us and we go through them, we’re going to come out the other side a little braver, a little more courageous, and a little more ready to take on the next level of your business.” – Nicky


Key Takeaways:


-    Labels limit what we can achieve and sap away our success

-    Identify what gives you fear and push through it. It’s only there to hold us back

-    Don’t let distractions pull you away from the momentum you’ve built in your business!


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